– 33%

Greetings Friends and Enemies

As from last month the Bass Tune Crew has been decimatedRaw-B decided to step out of BTC and concentrate on other projects.

We wish him the best and luck on the new road he’s taking.

Loosing 33% of our crew does not mean we quit!

Bass Tune Crew never dies!

Mad Monkey and Nic Nac continue the sound and play 4ever.

The reggae world lost 2 men in the end of 2008

The reggae world lost 2 men in the end of 2008.

The originator of the Gully Creeper (David Alexander Smith)  got killed in Kingston (in the past year 1500 people got killed by violence in Jamaica), and Vincent ‘Tata’ Ford one of the great mentors of Bob Marley died suddenly.

Rest in peace brethren. More names of losses for 2008:

Continue reading “The reggae world lost 2 men in the end of 2008”

Rise And Shine

While this must have been the hottest Rise And Shine New year party ever, it was also the one with the least attendees.
Though it was a very nice and fun party.

Thanks to everyone who showed up!

Stolen Goods

Dear speaker-thief.

Would you be so kind to return our beloved speakers that were stationed at café Tonneke (Langeviolettestr. Ghent) ?! You stole them somewhere in the last days of the ‘Gentse Fieste’;

Any information regarding our stolen speakers (two big (aproximatly 1m x 1m) black woofer like speakers) is welcome! (mail: btc)

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